CTN TransAm 09
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3750 miles by bicycle
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Chris Nadovich's 2009 Transamerica Bike Tour.

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    Sat, 27 Jun 2009

    St Croix Falls, WI

    We crossed the St Croix River into Wisconsin at the end of the day. Goodbye Minnesota. I'm a little sad that we didn't give that state more attention. We fairly zoomed through without hardly touching the ground. No doubt it's a wonderful state with many sights to see, but I didn't even have time to buy and mail a Minnesota post card. Oh well!

    Favorable winds helped us ride 125 miles to reach Wisconsin without too much difficulty. There was some rain, but it was warm enough and light enough that I didn't bother putting on my jacket. My Achilles soreness is almost entirely gone and I was riding comfortably most of the day despite being a little tired from not sleeping well.

    The campsite we stayed at yesterday was listed as "primitive" in our guide. We originally thought this adjective described the camp facilities, but we came to discover that it described the typical camper in residence. There were loud arguments, explosions, blaring music, blood curdling screams continuing well past "camper midnight". Eventually someone repeatedly yelled SHUT THE (&(#$@(#$^( RADIO OFF. They yelled it about 10 times. After that, things calmed down a bit -- till the thunder storm rolled in.

    By daybreak, it had mostly stopped raining, but the weather was still unsettled. The wind was southeast -- not good -- but gradually advanced to southwest by noon and we had fair sailing the rest of the day.

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    © 2009 C.T. Nadovich